

 2016/3/3    通译翻译|同声传译



T: 你好,ABC公司人事部,您有何贵干?
(译文: Hello! The Personnel Department of ABC Company. What can I do for you?)
D: This is Lily Green. I’m calling to inquire about the bookkeeper’s position you advertised in today’s China Daily.
(译文: 我是莉莉•格林,打电话来咨询你们在今天《中国日报》上广告的图书保管员的职位。)
T: 感谢您对我们公司感兴趣,格林女士。不过,您首先要把简历和证书的复印件连同求职信一起寄过来。
(译文: Thanks for your interest in our company, Ms. Green. But first, you’ll have to send to us your application letter together with your resume and copies of the certificates.)
D: I’ll do that as soon as possible. When shall I have news from you, please?
(译文: 我会尽快寄过去的。请问我什么时候能得到你们的回复呢?)
T: 我们会先审查您的资格,如果您胜任该工作,我们会安排面试。
(译文: We’ll examine your qualifications first. If you are qualified for the job, we’ll make an arrangement for an interview.)
D: I see. How long would that take?
(译文: 明白了。需要多久呢?)
T: 大概一个星期左右,如果有必要我们会联系你。
(译文: About a week or so. We’ll contact you if necessary.)
D: OK. Mnay thanks for your information.
(译文: 好的,非常感谢您提供信息。)