【九届通译杯】大赛辅导-Writing 写作 2
大赛辅导-Writing 写作 2
截止到去年5月,已获批准在川设立领事机构的国家已达17个,分别是美国、德国、韩国、泰国、法国、新加坡、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、澳大利亚、新西兰、以色列、波兰、捷克、印度、瑞士、奥地利。已开馆的领事机构已有14家。 成都已经成为了名副其实的“西部领馆第一城”,并不断地扩大自己的国际影响力。再这样的大背景之下,第九届“通译杯”口译大赛拉开了帷幕。
驻华外事机构可以分为很多种,最常见的是大使馆和总领事馆。其中外国驻华大使馆只能设立在中国首都,即北京。大使馆(Embassy)的馆长一般是大使(Ambassador),但也可以是其他等级的外交人员。大使下设公使衔参赞(Minister Counsellor)大使馆的首要职责是代表派遣国,促进两国的政治关系,其次是促进经济、文化、教育、科技等方面的关系,专门负责推动以上方面工作的官员,如文化事务部长参赞,即Minister Counsellor for Cultural Affairs。使馆同时具有领事职能。促进两国关系和人民间的往来是领事馆的重要职责,但其最主要的职责是领事工作。而在成都设立的外国总领馆(Consulate General)其馆长即总领事(Counsel General)除了总领事之外,还有负责具体工作的领事(Counsel)和负责其他事项的官员。一般在中文当中,驻成都、上海、重庆这几座较重要的城市的总领馆简称为驻蓉、驻沪、驻渝总领馆。
On the occasion of the opening ceremony of 2017 Chengdu Design and Creativity Week, the guest country of honor, Poland will present the Polish National Pavilion. And the Vice Counsel will give a speech on this subject.
首先还是需要对内容进行分析预判。在文化设计周上的演讲当然要围绕着与此相关的内容,作为本国代表,副总领事应该会介绍和推广本土设计师、艺术家,并对本国文化设计历史传统进行介绍。 同时,讲话中还应该向主办方表示感谢,并表达对此次活动的美好祝愿。
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to bring more Polish design to Chengdu artists and residents and on behalf of Counsel Kataryna Wiilowiecka and my colleagues from consular corp for bringing this platform in Chengdu to introduce best international and European designers. Polish designers since years actively contribute to European and international and trends especially in public spaces design, industrial design and utility objects such as furniture.
Design connects industries to art, help to transform industries and services, and just makes our daily life simpler and more enjoyable, not mentioning that it also makes us more efficient. Polish accents on 2017 Chengdu Design and Creativity Week will include Public Space Design lecture by Professor of Warsaw Academy of Fine Art, Mr. Jerzy Porebski, who created famous city installations placed all around Warsaw—Chopin benches concept. Thanks to Mr. Jerzy Porebski when you visit major pedestrian areas inWarswa such as Krakowskie Przedmiescie or Old Town while sitting on the bench you could listen to Chopin’s music and enjoy Canaletto paintings. During the lecture he will share other great ideas to bring up spirit of cities.
In Poland’s pavilion you will also enjoy interior design concepts, daily life object such as amber art or fashion jewelry, and get more information about Lodz Young Fashion – the most prestigious competitions for young designers in Europe, open also for entries from overseas young designers. Lodz city, sister city of Chengdu is actually also Poland’s capital of design and hosts yearly many events bringing fresh perspective for European and international design circles such as Fashion Week and Lodz Design Festival, is candidate for Expo 2022 with the topic on city revitalization.
Polish accents at Chengdu Creativity and Design Week are some of many events that our Consulate General organizes with various cultural institutions in Chengdu this year, under the name of Polish Golden Autumn in Chengdu. We’ll have exhibitions, lectures, children’s activities, musical concerts, promotion of Sichuan sister province: Lodzkie region in the field of food and innovation technology. I would like to invite you to participate in all events of Polish Golden Autumn in Chengdu. Detailed information about the schedule can be found on our website also in Chinese language.
I hope that Chengdu Creativity and Design Week as well as other events will bring Poland closer to you, will bring more exchanges between Chengdu and Poland’s creative industries and that next year’s holidays you will spend some time in my home country.
Thank you.