《成都概览》2011版(A GENERAL SURVEY OF CHENGDU 2011)是成都市地方志编纂委员会编制,四川省常委、市委书记李春城为顾问,市委副书记、市长葛红林为主任委员,邓全忠、傅勇林、杨小英为副主任委员,英文翻译与审校为省译协副会长连真然教授。
成都市地方志办公室 电话:028-61885659
The vast expanse of fertile land of Sichuan is known as an ocean on land. When the land is afflicted by drought, people channel water to irrigate it. When it rains, the sluice will be shut. And therefore it was recorded: because of controlling floods and droughts, people have no taste of famine, and suffer no lean year. So Chengdu is called Tianfu (the land of abundance), the Natural Storehouse. The cultural history of Chengdu has run a long course from a remote source, its development history of civilization of at least more than 4500 years and its history of city planning and construction of more than 2300 years. …Chengdu is the scientific and technological, commercial, financial centre, the hub of communications and the signal centre in Southwest China determined by the State Council, a famous historical and cultural city in China, Chinese urban-rural synthetical reform area, and the capital of Sichuan Province. It is essential to develop the urban humanistic spirit and build the modern civil society. Under the leadship of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People’s Government, the people of Chengdu are striding firmly forward into the historical orientation and long-term objective for building the world modern garden and park city.